Non-European Collections in Polish Museums: Pre-Conference Roundtable

In this roundtable the Director of the Asia and Pacific Museum in Warsaw will engage in a conversation with curators from museums of various types (art, city, ethnographic, historical museums, as well as historical residences) on the past and future of non-European collections in Poland. The discussion will cover the following questions: What is the provenance of non-European collections in Polish museums? How is postcolonialism understood by museum practitioners? What are the contacts between museums and representatives of source communities? What are the representations of the figure of the colonial “collector-explorer” in Polish museums? Do they come across questions, accusations, problems related to critical readings of their collections? How was their own professional background shaped? Finally, what are the relations between the museum sector and academia (ethnology, cultural anthropology, art history) in Poland?

The session will be held in Polish.

The Asia and Pacific Museum in Warsaw is our conference partner.


Moderatorką panelu będzie dr Joanna Wasilewska – dyrektorka Muzeum Azji i Pacyfiku w Warszawie


dr Lucjan Buchalik – dyrektor Muzeum Miejskiego w Żorach

Katarzyna Nowak – zastępca dyrektora ds. merytorycznych, Muzeum Sztuki i Techniki Japońskiej Manggha

dr Joanna Paprocka-Gajek – kierownik Działu Sztuki, Muzeum Pałacu Króla Jana III w Wilanowie

dr Magdalena Pinker – kuratorka Zbiorów Sztuki Orientalnej, Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie

Magdalena Zych – kustoszka Muzeum Etnograficznego im. Seweryna Udzieli w Krakowie

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